The Soulful Entrepreneur's Club | How to run a Purposeful, Profitable, Aligned Business without Stress

How to make time to make Vital decisions for next year

December 12, 2023 Kavita Melwani Season 4 Episode 13

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It is so important to make vital decisions for the next year. If you have been caught up in the frenzy of the end of the year and holiday season, take a breath and listen to how you can make time to reflect in an aligned way.  

Here are 5 key takeaways:

💫 Take time off to rest, rejuvenate, and assess the things you want to continue doing and the things you want to stop doing.

💫 Consciously choose the tasks that really need to be done in your business and prioritize those.

💫 Reflect on the challenges faced, find gratitude in them, and acknowledge the lessons learned to move forward as a better version of yourself.

💫 Set specific goals for the coming year, be conscious of creating them, and break them down into achievable steps.

💫 Make decisions for the next year from a place of trust and alignment with your purpose, rather than out of fear.

What word will guide you in the coming year?

Remember, it's essential to take the time to plan, reflect, and make well-thought-out decisions that resonate with your true self and aspirations.

Take some time to think about your word for the year and the primary energy you want to embody. Feel free to share it with me if you'd like. I'm here to support you.

Here's to creating an intentional and purposeful year ahead!

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